Flying Saucer Review (FSR)

Vol 41 No.1


How Much Longer To Go?

Gems from the Greatest and Wisest Leaders.

Do The Greys Have Progeria?
Dale Robin Blumenthal.

Book Review,
River out of Eden, by Richard Dawkins.

British Airways Boeing 737 in "Near Miss"

Vampire "Chupa-Chupas" in Puerto Rico.
Gordon Creighton.

An Important Statement on Nova Programme.
Budd Hopkins.

Giants Encountered in Israel.
Barry Chamish.

1) Abductee Brainwashing.
Donna Higbee.

2) New Abductee Trend.
Donna Higbee.

Scot Gets Close-up of UFO.

First Malaysian Ufo Conference.
Ahmad Jamaludin.

Stop Press! More on "Chupacabras".

Bob Dean Speaks Again: Aliens are here.
Paul Whitehead.

Obituary: Karla Turner.

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© Flying Saucer Review Library of Congress copyright FSR Publications, Ltd. 1981. Contributions appearing in this magazine do not necessarily reflect its policy and are published without prejudice.
Gordon Creighton (Editor FSR)

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